Final Post

This is sadly the last post that I am going to have on this blog. I have enjoyed the time that I have had to blog since this has been an outlet for one of my college classes. Since this is my last blog post here I wanted to look back at what I had posted this semester and see what my two favorite posts are, my favorite blogger, and a couple comments that I felt were meaningful to me. First my two favorite blog posts were “My Opinion on Clay Shirky on Love” and “Online Movements” both posts describe me very well, going against the grain and not always believing what is taught. Both were assigned to me in the class as material and I had to post my opinions on it. It is straight brash and to the point, just like me. My favorite blogger is a woman in my class named Shannon Washington who talks about similar issues but puts her personal spin on it. Honestly really good content and love to see differing opinions on issues. Lastly the couple of comments that I felt were important to share were where I gave my opinion on Tumblr and a comment on the “Save the Tree Octopus” campaign. This has been a really good experience and I’d love to blog in the future but till then always question and form your own opinions.


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