Memes and their future

From Pixabay under CC0 Creative Commons

Weirdly enough memes have been a part of most of my life. I have been on the internet for a good 70% of my life and it seems like to me memes have been there the entire time. I remember back on my mom’s Dell Dinosaur that dual booted DOS and Windows 95 laughing at “All Your Base are Belong to Us” and “Badger Badger Badger.” The thing was I didn’t even know that they were called memes until the 2010s. We called them funny pictures or cool videos. Now though I feel like they are everywhere and relate to every aspect of life you could imagine. Instead where in the early days there were a few you could choose from a year I feel like now you could have an archive of all the types of memes that happen in a month. This leads me to believe that we are in what could be called the golden age of memes, where everything has a meme about it. It is also my feeling though that this may start to be the downslope of memes seeing oversaturation is becoming a real problem. We will just have to see what the future holds for memes.


  1. Hey Evan, I thought that it was interesting to read your take on blogs. The internet is also a big part of my life, but unlike you, I never found out about memes until maybe the sixth or seventh grade. I am a bit jealous that you found out so early because I think highly of memes. I had also never heard of or seen the two memes you linked in your post, so that was cool to see some new humor. I agree with you that memes are everywhere because there are on all social media platforms and they are almost impossible to avoid on the internet. Do you have a favorite meme? Best, Beau

  2. I agree that it seems like just about everything within our society nowadays has a meme that revolves around it. Memes have certainly immersed themselves into our society and seem to be embedded into everything nowadays. There is a meme for everything we do within our daily lives and we have made these memes to demonstrate every action that we take place in and if you Google an action that you have completed, there will probably be a meme for it.

  3. Hi Evan! I like how you included your personal use of memes and how they have affected your life. It is crazy to think that most of us have grown up with the internet with our whole lives, and it is very different from any other age of people since the internet is very new in regards to human life. Great post, and I like the picture you included!


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