My Opinion of "Clay Shirky on Love, Internet Style"


Pictures by Pixabay under CC0 Creative Commons

To start off I already have a bias that I am not a fan of Linux. That being said I am going to talk about what was said in the video “Clay Shirky on Love, Internet Style” which we watched in class today. Skipping past Mr. Shirky’s bazar correlation from Ise Shrine in Japan to the Perl programing language he talks about a story of when he worked for AT&T. He said that the software engineers where horrified that they were using Perl for programing but specifically how Perl had no “commercial support.” Mr. Shirky’s point was that the internet was his support and he didn’t need commercial support. This made AT&T leave the deal with Mr. Shirky concluding he was the victor and look at how awful AT&T is doing know because of its corporate attitude. Well the video came out in 2007 right as the big crash for Perl hit. Today the only Perl programmers out there are converting Perl to Python and Java. The downfall of Perl… No commercial support which killed its usability making Python and Java which have commercial and online support which is way more viable. Also, how is AT&T doing, well their shares are going for $37.46 and the companies worth $250 Billion. Next, he talks about how Linux is an amazing open source platform whose users update it regularly making it superior to other operating systems.  Well research shows Linux is on the way out due to: Updating to often creating security breaches for it users, it’s become overly complicated which alienates new users, there is no customer support, competition between applications which do the same thing, and lastly because of all these reasons no company wants to support the hardware. Additionally, some of my problems with it also include: how awfully slow it is, programing on Linux is terrible, and the concept is more important than the actual product. I see what Mr. Shirky was trying to do here with his anti corporate rhetoric but it comes across 10 years later as an idealistic pipe dream. 

The YouTube video I'm referring too Link

Also here is my evidence that Perl is dead Link and Linux is dying Link / Link


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