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I have had a Reddit subscription for two years but have used the site since 2012. Reddit has a very interesting place in the history of the internet because of it prominence and its users. I have seen everything from Gamergate to Tracking the Boston Bombers to Ellen Pao resigning. Though I still view it as the front page of the internet. Reddit to me is where I can find the news with links to sources, where I can find the latest memes, and where I share my photography hobby to the world. However, I do recognize that there are bad parts of Reddit that are filled with hatred and bigotry I still love that they have the right to voice their opinions on the platform. Reddit is Reddit because of it whole as a community and it sub-communities under them. Reddit really is for me the front page of the internet.


  1. Interesting perspective on using Reddit! I personally have never used Reddit beyond studying it for academic purposes, but I think it's important to understand the ways people use these social media sites. I find it interesting you said you find news and other informations on the site and essentially use it as the front page of the internet. What makes you prefer using Reddit for news and information? Does the community of Reddit make you feel more comfortable using that site over a traditional news site?

    1. The reason that I prefer Reddit for news and information is because of the way that they handle new. In their algorithm, it has news as a subreddit that everyone is subscribed to which makes discussions there that more interesting. I could be talking about my view on the North Korean missile launches and have people critiquing my argument or disagreeing with me. Then it also includes links for the whole story and from that I can find other sources for the information on my own to see all angles. I don’t use Reddit as my main news source even though it does a good job at agitating information well because I want to form my own opinions on the news but it’s a good supplement for things I’ve missed. I usually use a couple news aggregators that have the opionions of the right, left, middle, and extremes. This for me is better than traditional news sites because of the bias they present and so that I know what is real, warped, and fake news.

  2. I loved reading your post, and it got me thinking. After watching the video in class about Reddit the other day, I was pretty intrigued. I always had heard of Reddit, but I never actually dove in to looking at what it was. However, I am definitely now more interested after reading what you had to say. I liked how you said it was a sense of news for you. I feel like this could benefit me in any ways because I am a photographer who is always willing to learn new things about what I love!

  3. I agree with you as seeing reddit as a community. I also use it to for leisure or to stay up to date with current events. Even though reddit can have its ups and downs like trolls or the Boston bombers, its still a good place to connect . The subreddits are a good example of where people can meet and expression their own opinions or share information about topics that suit their interest.


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