Net Neutrality

Pixabay under CC0 Creative Commons

To start off Net Neutrality is something that I have a bit of a background with personally. I’ve worked with a couple group that are fighting for the rights of Net Neutrality so I do have bias on the subject. Net Neutrality is a ploy for ISP’s to get money out of internet companies in the way the mob said that they could offer small mom and pop shops protection. Though I feel like everyone at this point has been beaten over the head with how bad getting rid of Net Neutrality is which means I’m not going to talk about it. Instead I’m going to talk about why people should care now more than ever. Since there have been so many bills that have come up in congress addressing Net Neutrality it has caused an almost staleness where people don’t care. This is the time that the ISP’s are waiting for, people are focused on other issues and people just don’t care anymore. There will be just one time where we didn’t say enough and the internet as we know it won’t exist. 
To find your local representative to speak for Net Neutrality: Link


  1. I'm confused. Are you with net neut or not? I would say Net Neutrality is good. It is that all data is is equal, regardless of site. You probably just had a typo though. But yes, this is an extremely important topic that people, especially of younger age, need to start having more of.


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