How I Collaberate

There are many forms of collaboration that many of us contribute to on a daily basis. I have participated in many kinds thru my life from working with my sports team to defeat another or collaborating in school for a project to get good grades. Though not all collaboration techniques are the same. Some of the worst collaboration techniques that I have seen are when people try to force collaboration. The example that always sticks out in my head are group assignments where grade isn’t even a good enough motivator to complete the assignment or the people in the group aren’t cohesive enough to care. The worst example that I have seen of this happen to be the same situation. The teacher assigned a 20-paged paper that was split between 4 people meaning that each person did 5 pages. In addition to this bizarre homework assignment the teacher put a group of two guys and two girls. The problem with this was that both girls had dated both boys resulting in two bad break ups each. The only collaborating they did was based on their dating history and ended up getting one of the girls suspended for foul language towards another student. The reason I told this story was to show that collaboration is a team effort and that all parties involved play an important key for the whole. Here is a example of how to create collaboration without force: "How to Get People to Collaborate When You Don't Control Their Salary"

Photo from Pixabay, a CC0 photo site


  1. I liked your post! I also was involved in those things, like many kids. I never thought about it like this; but maybe playing team sports as a kid was a way to train your mind to collaborate and work with others. What do you think about that? I thought it was interesting how you focused on some of the worst techniques used in collaborations rather than the positive ones. The fact that your teacher did that is insane! The odds of that happening are quite funny as well. I agree that it is definitely a team effort where all members have to participate on their common goal to reach it.

  2. I strongly agree on this subject that in order for good collaboration there needs to be cooperation from all parties, this also goes to show that it was not a good idea for these four people to be put in a group in the first place which reflects back on their teacher needing to know that situation was not going to work. Although these students should of tried to put asides their differences and worked together to at least get a good grade on the assignment.


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