
Showing posts from October, 2017

Online Movements

Pixabay under  CC0 Creative Commons This week I was reading part of a textbook that I had to read for one of my classes I’m taking. It talks about how online movements share five things in common with each other: visual content, performances, speed, inclusiveness, and masked organizers. Then it gave two examples of the Zapatistas , a Mexican farmer’s rights movement which was later organized online and Black Lives Matter , a black movement focused on equal rights which found its members online. Though I was thinking that not all online movements share all of these points. For instance, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge didn’t have masked organizers and in fact every participant was videotaped and the creator of the tread is well known as Peter Frates. Another example how not all online movements share all these points is Occupy Wall Street movement . They were not going to leave Wall Street till they got their message thru spending months on in tent cities on Wall Street which is n

Reddit, the front page of the internet

Pixabay under  CC0 Creative Commons Today I am going to talk about Reddit and Reddit Culture. I have used Reddit off and on for about 5 years now and it is now my number one social media aggregator. So, before anyone says, “wait Reddit is a social media site”, it depends on how you use it. The way that I use it is so that I can see what news is happening in the world, what cool things people are doing, and to see some of the best and worst that the internet has to offer. I got into the site because wasn’t doing it for me and 4chan had gotten way too weird and cult like. I felt like there had to be a better alternative. I had heard of Reddit before but was always warned about how awful it looked and that if you could get past the looks it was a great site. Though after the first time I saw how communities were setup I made an account that day. After that I really haven’t looked back since. Most of my teen life and all my adult life I have been on Reddit. Pixabay und

Net Neutrality

Pixabay under  CC0 Creative Commons To start off Net Neutrality is something that I have a bit of a background with personally. I’ve worked with a couple group that are fighting for the rights of Net Neutrality so I do have bias on the subject. Net Neutrality is a ploy for ISP’s to get money out of internet companies in the way the mob said that they could offer small mom and pop shops protection. Though I feel like everyone at this point has been beaten over the head with how bad getting rid of Net Neutrality is which means I’m not going to talk about it. Instead I’m going to talk about why people should care now more than ever. Since there have been so many bills that have come up in congress addressing Net Neutrality it has caused an almost staleness where people don’t care. This is the time that the ISP’s are waiting for, people are focused on other issues and people just don’t care anymore. There will be just one time where we didn’t say enough and the internet as we know i

School Group Projects are Detrimental

Pixabay Image under  CC0 Creative Commons This week I am going to talk about the great time I have had working together in a team for a group presentation. This is a group presentation for the class I am writing this blog for to let others know ahead of time. I have had mixed experiences with group projects, from doing the entire thing myself to having other people monopolies the work to egos being played but sometimes the right group is formed that just meshes. This group project was like that, everyone participated and ended up coming together to laugh and have fun. The point though that I am going to make today though isn’t about my great experience in this group project. I’m instead going to voice my opinion that schools need to rely less on them. I understand they are supposed to teach us that life is one big group project and that in our future jobs we will be filled with them but that just isn’t true. In group projects in a work environment there is recourse for a poor per